There comes a time when you need to crawl from the depths of your basement or garage and play foosball against other actual human beings.
Foosball Locations around the WORLD! - is an awesome foosball playing locations directory which has detailed foosball location information and pictures of actual bars, pubs, etc. aspires to become the one centralized foosball playing locations directory for the GLOBAL foosball community!
FoosManchu's Foosball Locations
CALIFORNIA - ( Los Angeles area ) - This is a detailed list of foosball locations (typically sports bars and pubs) to foos in the Los Angeles area. FAQ #3
U.S. & Worldwide Playing Locations - Are you going to Canada, Germany, or Belgium in the near future? This listing has foosball locations in those countries! It is a direct link to the playing-location information provided in response to the legendary "Frequently Asked Question # 3 (FAQ3 v3.1b)" posted by our favorite newsgroup: "". This list is by no means an exhaustive list of every single place across the globe to play foosball, and it contains some outdated information, but it is an excellent resource to begin your search for foosing locations in the U.S., with several places to play in Canada, and a handful of places in some other countries as well.
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