- This 3.5 minute Flash movie is a must see for any foosball fanatic!
- There aren't too many foosball playing locations around, so I've scouted out the Los angeles area to bring you the locations (typically sports bars and pubs) to perfect your brush passing and snake shots in the Los Angeles/Orange County area. Almost all of the locations listed have Tornado tables.

- If you start playing foosball consistenly at your favorite playing locations, it might be time to join a foosball organization. Network with others to improve your shots or brush passing, or find some other playing locations near you.

- Start dominating the table at your favorite playing locations. Read up on passing-- 5-3-bar passing, 2-5 bar passing, BRUSH passing. The art of passing is a huge factor in playing better foosball, but second only to having a consistent shot or shots. Learn about the dreaded snake and pull shots. These articles on learning the finer points of foosball shots and passing can really sharpen your game.

- Tired of playing foos at the same old locations? Check out a foosball tournament...you won't believe the kinds of shots the pros can pull off.

- If there are no playing locations near you, or if you want to practice your 2-5 bar passing, your brush passing, or your snake shots and pull shots without interruption, then start playing on your own foosball table...but make sure it's FoosManchu-approved...the right table can allow you to perfect your shots and passing.
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