Meditate on this experience, my Son, I'll bet it would be characterized by the following:
- extreme focus
- complexity
- challenges
- skilled performance
- all within an environment rewarding you with consistently precise feedback on each skill attempted -- in turn -- promoting growth and discovery...
This state of which I speak exists in the balance between anxiety and boredom...pitting your skills against attainable yet increasing challenges. Why do this, you ask? Because this type of experience is so intensely gratifying that people crave these activities, not with the expectation of money, fame, or wanton lasciviousness, but purely for the intrinsic rewards from engaging in the task at hand...foosball, Grasshopper, yes...foosball.

Foosball ProMaster & Black Belt,
Amway Distributor
P.S. Grasshopper, high-quality foosball tables make all the difference in the world.